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Sapphire Community Group comprises of The Sapphire Employability and Wellbeing Academy, Sapphire Community Housing and Sapphire Spaces.

"Our Goal is simple. Build up a nation of world leaders. Providing the tools marginalised and ethnic minority groups need to not only survive but thrive".

Our Approach: At Sapphire we are more than an organisation; we are a catalyst for change. Our work transcends age, geographical boundaries, and backgrounds. We instil a message of love and self-worth, offering hope to those who may have felt silenced or marginalised.

With over 9 years of experience and a track record of assisting over 10,000 young people and single parents, particularly from minority and disadvantaged backgrounds, we continue to empower individuals to be the best version of themselves. We believe in helping them gain genuine insights into their aspirations and purposes. We mentor, coach, provide literature, offer entertainment, host events, and conduct workshops, all aimed at creating platforms and pathways for young people worldwide to discover their true calling. Our overarching goal is to inspire individuals to believe in themselves and recognise their full potential.

We recognise that many young people who join our program face severe mental health challenges due to various life circumstances. We understand that addressing these challenges is a critical step in preparing them for employment and life in general. We actively seek funding to ensure that mental health is an integral part of our holistic approach, enabling young people to enter the workforce as well-rounded individuals. The prevalence of mental health issues is on the rise, particularly among young people. A staggering 70% of children and young people experiencing mental health problems have not received early interventions. We believe in early intervention and support.

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our mission.

Our Mission Statement: Sapphire is dedicated to empowering, equipping, inspiring, training, mentoring, motivating, and educating BAME individuals of all ages. Our comprehensive approach focuses on employability, wellbeing, and enrichment support to bring about positive change in our communities.

our aims:

To empower BAME individuals through comprehensive support and development programs.

To address and mitigate the challenges faced by BAME communities, including mental health issues, homelessness, crime, and unemployment.

To provide education, training, and skills development opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Our Objectives
Reducing Mental Health Issues

Provide mental health support services to enhance overall wellbeing.

Raise awareness and reduce stigma around mental health within BAME communities.

Reducing Homelessness

Offer safe and stable housing solutions for individuals and families in need.

Collaborate with local agencies and organisations to prevent and address homelessness.

Reducing Crime Rates

Equip individuals with skills and opportunities to deter involvement in criminal activities.

Implement programs that address the root causes of crime within the

Reducing Unemployment

Deliver employability training to enhance job prospects and career readiness.

Connect individuals with job placement services and employment opportunities.

Increasing Education and Training

Ensure access to education and training opportunities for young people and adults.

Provide resources and support for continued learning and academic achievement.

Increasing Skills Development

Foster skill-building initiatives to enhance personal growth and employability.

Offer workshops and training sessions tailored to the needs of the community.

The primary beneficiaries of Sapphire's work are Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) individuals of all ages. Our programs and services are designed to empower and support these individuals in various aspects of their lives, including employability, housing, mental health, and overall well-being. By focusing on reducing mental health issues, homelessness, crime rates, and unemployment, and by increasing education, training, and skills development opportunities, we aim to bring about positive change and enhance the lives of BAME communities.

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Our Services
The Sapphire Leadership and Identity Academy (SLIA):

1. Sapphire Space: Co-working spaces for BAME young people

2. Leadership and Financial Management: Developing essential leadership skills.

3. Public Speaking and Project Management: Enhancing communication and organisational abilities.

4. Business Planning and Writing Techniques: Providing tools for successful business ventures.

5. Bid Writing, Branding, and Identity: Assisting with professional growth and brand development.

The Sapphire Employability Academy (SEA)

1. Employability Support: Comprehensive training and recruitment services.

2. Education and Skills Development: Offering accredited courses to enhance career prospects.

3. Workshops, Traineeships, and Mentoring: Hands-on experience and guidance.

4. Apprenticeships: Practical work experience in various fields.

5. Sapphire AATW: Hospitality and Franchise Businesses

6.The Sapphire Fire Network (SFN): Dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and motivating vulnerable young BAME women aged 15 to 45. SFN strives to break the chains of mediocrity, educate the next generation of leaders, and provide a supportive network. Through networking, mentoring, and knowledge sharing, we aim to enhance women's advancement, work-life balance, and workplace satisfaction.

The Sapphire Wellbeing and Enrichment Academy (SWA):

1. Food Donations Service: Providing essential nutrition support.

2. Digital and Equipment Support: Ensuring access to necessary technology.

3. Mental Health Support: Offering mentoring and counselling services.

4. Sapphire Housing and Support: Sapphire RBG Housing assisting with safe and stable living conditions. Sapphire Humanity Women's Night Shelter

5. Funding, Bursaries, and Grants Support: Financial aid for those in need.

6. Fitness and Nutrition Support: Promoting healthy lifestyles.

7. Sapphire Enrichment Academy: Holiday Clubs and residentials.

8. Sapphire International: Providing outreach, support for disadvantaged countries to end world poverty and provide key resources to young people

© 2024 – Sapphire Community Group